4XFAR Music &
Adventure Festival


Break the stodgy mold of the one-hour new car launch to reintroduce the legendary Land Rover Defender and connect the brand to a broader audience of potential Land Rover advocates/customers.


Combine luxury and adventure.

  • We created a first-of-its-kind music & adventure festival - 4XFAR. Taking one part non-traditional test drive experience, one part outdoor adventure programming, and one part concert festival, we mixed it all together to produce a new event that appealed to new and old customers alike. Elevating the industry standard for brand engagement and interaction, CMG executed an unforgettable launch for the new Defender and showcased the full 2020 Land Rover lineup and brand heritage.


6,000+ Unique Attendees

3,500+ Test Drives

Over 25,000 Activities Engaged

3.9M Impressions

577K Story Views

1.8K Comments 245 Media Postings